Day 2

Ah, some much needed time off. Not that yesterday was that awful at work. Things are definitely starting to slow down, and we all need it. The seasonal hires are starting to disappear gradually and the "regulars" are all definitely ready for a quieter month or two after the hectic holiday season. Actually, most of us "regular" employees are well and truly tired of the general public! I know I am looking forward to using some vacation time this month.
Did laundry this morning before heading to Dad's for a couple days. Brought some leftovers for lunch and stopped at the store to get a couple things before I arrived. Once I got to Dad's, Dogzilla (real name "Costello", although I have never figured out if he was named after Lou or Elvis...he's a rescue beagle, so I'm betting on Lou for the comedy factor) wanted walking, of course. It was a little drizzly, but I took him on a tour of the housing development across the street. We also surveyed the yard and the shopping plaza today, so he is a happy little camper. He's in sleeping with Dad now. Probably going to get up at 4:30 tomorrow a.m., knowing him.
Tomorrow I am going to do some upper body weight exercises, in addition to walking the dog. Also plan to take down the Christmas stuff here at Dad's and stow it for another year. I'm sure to have a furry helper. I praised him for letting Baby Jesus remain in the nativity for yet another year. I am always sure that THIS will be the year the beagle can't resist consuming the little figure of the infant Jesus!
It's nice to feel back in control of food again. Not that it got completely outta hand over the holidays, but it's nice to want vegetables and fresh fruit and lean protein and whole grain products. I'm living out of my pantry for a few weeks. It will clean things off the shelves and out of the freezer, save a few pennies and should be pretty healthful at the same time. Except for those little holiday Twix bars. I'm only human, for God's sake.
Going to plan out some menus tomorrow. I want to try this for a few weeks to establish a routine. I think it will be important to my success this year at shedding pounds and keeping them off. For now, though, I am just killing time until "No Reservations" comes on the Travel Channel at 10.
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