How I Spent My Day Off

I really de-stressed yesterday. First, I slept until I wasn't tired. That still meant I was up by 8. I had breakfast and played on the internet. I did some yoga, just to stretch things out. I did up the dishes, including unloading the dishwasher and reloading it. I read more of the book I am working on "Yellow Fever, Black Goddess", which is about the co-evolution of people and plagues. I did some cooking. Cooking is something I really enjoy and it really is relaxing to me. It's the cleaning up that is hard! I made pasta with peas and ham, which is a variant of a dish I got off a PBS fund-raiser show. You cook 8 oz. of small shaped pasta, like shells or elbows. While it is cooking, you saute a little garlic and onion in some olive oil till soft but not brown, and then add about a cup of frozen peas, lots of black pepper and sprinkle of salt. I added some diced cooked ham at this point, but it wasn't in the original recipe. Anyhow, after the peas, you put in about 1 1/2 cups chicken broth and let it simmer. Take the cooked pasta out of the cooking water and add it to the peas, etc. If it is too dry, add a couple spoons of the pasta cooking water. Then stir in a tablespoon of butter and some grated Parmesan cheese. Adjust the seasonings if necessary. Serve with additional grated Parmesan if you want. I had it for lunch yesterday, and I've got leftovers for lunches for about 3 days now. I also made up some granola. I used Alton Brown's recipe with some modifications of my own. I didn't have cashews, so I substituted walnuts, and I used a mixture of dried raisins (golden and regular), chopped dates, craisins, apricots (I chopped about 4 halves), and cherries instead of the cup of raisins. I also added a sprinkling of pumpkin pie spice to the mixture before sticking it in the oven. I am not sure about the serving size given with the recipe, though. Six servings????? That's a lot of granola at one sitting. I don't eat a cup of granola at one shot. So I am dividing it into 24 1/4 cup servings. I am putting it with some yogurt for breakfasts. I had some last night sprinkled over a serving of passionfruit sorbet. Yum!
For dinner, I broiled some turbot from Trader Joes and did some pea pods. A glass of lowfat chocolate milk rounded things out. I watched some TV and read a bit more. Turned in around 10 and stayed in bed till a bit after 6 this morning. Now I'm doing a load of light clothes before heading into work this afternoon. I'll need to get my suitcase packed as I plan to head north to Dad and Dogzilla after work tomorrow. We're taking Dogzilla to the V-E-T on Sat. a.m., and I am getting my hair cut in the afternoon. I made an appointment with my ex-sister-in-law, and I'm looking forward to doing something with my hair. I think it has been 3 years since I did anything with it! Tired of long and shaggy!
I think I'll go have a little more coffee.......
It's a mild flaky white fish. This had some kind of paprika seasoning all over it. Very similar to cod in taste and texture, but the fillets are thinner. Big flakes of white fish if cooked right. I'll buy it again. I love that they vaccuum pack fish at TJs, and I surprise myself every time I cook fish and it doesn't wind up overcooked. I am getting good at judging when to take it out of the broiler.
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