Hark, Hark, the Dogs Do Bark

I love the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Someday, I'm going to go, especially since it is in one of my favorite places, NYC.
As my friend, Violet predicted, a terrier won Best in Show, but I'm not going to quibble. Rufus wasn't one of those yippy rat-catchers. He's a beautiful colored bull-terrier. Not a single poodle made it to the finals (although, even I conceded that the standard poodle was a good looking one and put it on my list of group favorites from the non-sporting group). The toy choice was a pug, and not some foofy attitudinal Peke. My friend Debbie's pug, Lola, must have been proud. Or thought she should have been the big winner. Of the seven dogs in the finals, five of them had made my group favorites list. I am prejudiced in the hound category. The sight hounds I like are the smooth-coated ones, like the whippet, the greyhound, the Ibizan and the pharaoh hound. I am absolutely weak for the beagles, the harriers and the foxhounds. If it was up to me, I'd be queen of a pack! As it is, I'm content to be the alpha female in Dogzilla's life. Anyhow, it was a great group of dogs and I don't think I'd have had a quibble with any of them winning.
I wish that people would do their homework before running out and buying any of them so that they'd get a dog suited to their life-style. Be honest about where you live, what you do and what you expect a dog to do. And be prepared to be the leader of the pack. Yes, we all spoil our pups, but you can't let them call the shots and expect everyone to be happy. Even the littlest and most submissive pooch wants rules and for you to be the boss. Learn about DOG behavior, and don't apply human psychology to a dog. It doesn't work. Obedience training is a good idea for most dogs, and it is essential with certain breeds. If you can't afford a reputable breeder, at least talk to one about the breed you are interested in and thoroughly research a breed. Then find a good rescue organization or a nice shelter. Shelter and rescue dogs can have behavioral and health problems, but they are also a source of wonderful dogs. With some patience, love and training, shelter dogs can become such wonderful loving pets. I know because Dogzilla was a shelter boy from the Humane Society. I've loved all the dogs I grew up with (mostly beagle girls), but Dogzilla is really special.
Okay, enough of my soap box, but today, give a dog a scratch behind the ear or a belly rub or a nice little treat.
I missed it, they will re-run it I'm sure. My kids and I like to watch it. Good Advice, a friend of mine bought a Jack Russell terrier because they like "Eddie" on Frasier. They took with them to visit her in-laws, on a farm. He got out and killed several chickens! I love our mutt (Italian Greyhound/Dashaund). He was a shelter dog too.
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