Recipe Recommendation and Other Stuff

Recipe for Crispy Szechuan Orange Beef with Broccoli from Recipezaar is a keeper. Admittedly, I mostly used it to get an idea about what to put together for the sauce and I tweaked it a bit, too, but the basic idea I'm keeping. Original recipe used some sugar in the sauce, and I substituted orange juice concentrate and added a shot of sriracha chili sauce. I also omitted the water chestnuts. I scaled it back to make two servings, too, so in addition to being dinner tonight, it will be lunch another day. Tomorrow will either be Szechuan Green String Beans or Ma Po Tofu. Note to self: having an appropriately sized pan to cook in makes a difference when it comes to stir-frying, apparently. I must not feel the need to fill the pan! That's a good thing.
Recipezaar is a current fave site, too. Search on about anything and they come up with recipes. I pulled a couple of interesting ones that I'll try later. One is for a chicken dish from DR Congo and the other is a spicy African peanut soup.
Going to go lift some weights and then vaccum. At least to get up the BIG hunks! On my "to do" list is sorting out the stuff on the table in the dining room and the accumulated debris around the table!
I am feeling very positive about how quickly certain habits have returned. We are putting all the candy in our office into the break room so that it doesn't end up on our behinds. This will take care of a problem area for me quite handily and it will make lots of co-workers quite happy. I am pleased that most of the time, I feel like cooking and eating healthy. Right now it's like I hear the voice saying "You're full". I am glad that I feel like doing stuff to keep me busy, too, even at home. It's a very good thing to want to add to moving around at work, and I am surrounded by people who have non-sedentary jobs that feel the same way. Very different from an office environment, where everyone is fired up until about St. Patrick's Day on the health/fitness front. Heck, we all hafta be able to buy our spring khakis at work now, and this is the time, in retail, where you take the downtime on the business side at this time of year to focus on getting things reorganized and cleaned up again. That dovetails very nicely with my life right now.
Which reminds me. I brought home my $1 organizer/calendar book, so I am going to start using it. I also got a perfectly good wall calendar for .99 at Big Lots yesterday when Dad and I stopped after dinner. It's not the fat, thick paper that they use for the $8.00+ calendars, but it is certainly good enough to hang on my kitchen wall. I will be looking at lighthouses this year.
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