If I'm on Vacation, Why Was I Up at FOUR????

The answer: Dogzilla, of course! He was ready for his breakfast, and since he was good enough to sleep from about 8 last night until a few minutes past 4 this morning, I indulged him. His bad leg is acting up a bit, but I really think he just likes having me put him in bed and in the recliner. Spoiled baby!
I do foresee an afternoon nap in everyone's future. Dad is up, too, so Dogzilla's morning work is done.
Weather has been nice and warm, so in spite of that bad leg, we did plenty of strolling around the yard yesterday. I brought plenty of "supplies", like vegetables, fruit and yogurt with me yesterday. I made some spaghetti sauce and some sloppy joe last night, since I figured it would use up the hamburger Dad got out and make enough for quick reheating later in the week.
Need to go coffee up a little bit more. Maybe rustle up some oatmeal for breakfast. That should pop Dogzilla out of the recliner!
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