God's Way of Telling Me to Do Laundry

Okay. So I check my copy of the schedule in my drawer in the office at work yesterday. See that it has been changed to show that I am opening today instead of closing. Fine. I didn't want to sleep in anyhow. So I get to work this morning and while I am getting keys, fellow cashier supervisor, Lisa shows up. Sez that our boss told her on Tuesday that she'd flipped me and Lisa on Thursday's schedule and then flipped us back to the original. Lisa didn't think much of it and presumed that our boss would let me know. Nope. No note, no nuttin'. Just the copy of the schedule that showed the change where I open and Lisa closes. If my boss is in this afternoon when I go back to work, she is getting an earful from me. I am tired of a schedule that changes every 15 minutes. I am tired of not getting the time off that I am entitled to, which should be every other weekend and one set day a week. I am tired of not being able to plan anything in advance because the schedule changes every 15 minutes and I am not getting every other weekend off and one set day a week, especially when everyone else is getting their time off, including the people at the store that make the big money, like my boss. She's cute and friendly as a puppy and means well, but she's also young and needs to know that the current situation is a crock of shit and she really, really needs to start doing something about it. Like crawling up HR's ass and dying to get the position that needs filled posted. Like giving up some of HER time off to pick up some of the shifts that we are trying to cover.
Anyhow, since I'm up, I might as well do that pesky laundry that I've got sorted. Especially since being only slightly less madder than a wet hornet is giving me the energy to tote laundry baskets up and down three flights of stairs. At least all of my clothes will be clean and put away!
Not much else right now. I do seem to have licked the cold bug. I'm still a little snotty, but nothing more than usual for this time of year and I'm back to drinking coffee. I don't like coffee when I am the least little bit sniffly, so being able to drink it again is a sure sign that I am on the mend.
Time to refill my coffee cup and go check on the clothes........
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