Saturday, April 28, 2007

Definitely On the Mend

Yes, I am still taking antibiotics and still have an open incision with some packing in it, but overall, I am feeling like my "normal" self. Whatever that is! Slowly digging out from the clutter that accumulated when I was requiring things like four hour naps and was generally to sick to do much tidying up. Back at work for the whole week, and it wasn't exhausting. Mind you, I do manage to log plenty of sleep at night right now, but I am chalking it up to the general healing process, so I'm not complaining. I am hopeful that I'll only have to have the incision tended to a couple more times at the urgent care. Once the packing is removed for good and the incision is allowed to heal over, I should be able to return to showering that doesn't require having part of me swathed in plastic. Very inconvenient swathing yourself in plastic to shower and then trying to keep the plastic-wrapped part dry!

That's about where my life is these days. Now to sort through the mountain o'laundry that I have to start chipping away at. I do feel the need to wash EVERYTHING I own with hot soapy bleach water at this point. And dry it on high. Just to ensure that Mr. Staph is dead and buried.


Blogger deborah said...

Mel, I've just read about your ordeal -- yikes! I hope you're feeling better now. When I was 12-13 I went through something similar. I had my appendix out and the incision in my abdomin abcessed. Basically, the incision burst open one night with ... well, I'll spare you the details, but it was very gross. I then spent the next few months much like you are, with an open wound and packing material stuffed into it. I finally had to have a 2nd surgery months later when it wasn't healing as expected.

Anyway, so I really can empathize, I've been there. I hope you feel better soon.

btw, any idea what caused your boil in the first place?

1:00 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

Oh, I'm definitely feeling ever so much better. Except for the stupid open incision, which has turned showering into a total PITA and which has turned adhesive tape and gauze into major weekly expenses, I'm feeling quite like my normal self. Still taking antibiotics, mind you, so I am denied even the pleasure of a nice beer or bourbon and water to aid my healing. No idea what caused the stupid boil. I've never been terribly prone to them, so who knows where I got the bug that started it all.

Oh, at least there is someone else who can understand the utter ickiness of the junk that comes out of an abscess! Deez-gusting! I'll be glad to see this whole thing behind me.

6:42 PM  

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