Friday, August 15, 2008

A Clean Bill of Health

I had my baseline colonoscopy on Monday. I think it actually took longer to hook up the IV for the sedative and hook me up to the blood pressure machine than it did to do the actual scope! For what it is worth, and for those who are hesitant to schedule this particular procedure, it's really not that awful. I found the prep to be the most inconvenient part; I describe it as having the stomach flu without a raging fever. The stuff you drink to cleanse the colon isn't the most wonderful stuff and it's not the worst stuff either. I found it to have a significant appetite killing effect, which was okay with me given the "clear liquid diet" part of the prep. I was fortunate enough to be the first appointment of the day, so I was all sedated and ready for the doc when he came in at 8:45. I was in the recovery area by 9:05 and sitting at the nearest Bob Evans by 9:45. Swear to Gawd! I had the perfect amount of sedation because I could remember the procedure and talking to the doctor and the nurse afterwards but I never felt any discomfort at all. I mean, it really was "That's it? You're done back there?" I got a completely clean bill of colon health, and the nurse said stuff like "We wish we had more patients like you," and "You like your fruits and veggies, right? We can tell!" Don't have to go back for 5 years either.

In other health news, I got the results of my mammogram back yesterday, too. No changes and repeat in one year. That completes all of the routine medical testing for me for a year or so, and they all came back good. Now to keep working on weight loss and fitness. Quite honestly, such good test results are a real incentive to do just that!

Also, I have a really, really clean house right now. Just sorting out a bit of junk in the spare room and doing some filing. So I have a clean bill of health EVERYWHERE!


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