I Am Being Stalked

No, no. Don't worry too much. There's no crazed psycho or internet junkie after me. It's a wasp. I HATE WASPS!!! I was stung by them several times as a child (the perils of sleeping upstairs in an old farmhouse) and was apparently traumatized by the experience. I'm not allergic. I don't even remember it hurting all that bad, truth to tell. But whenever I see one buzzing around the apartment intermitently, I become obsessed by the need to kill it. I saw it once yesterday and it's buzzed me twice today and when I turn to get the wasp spray or the fly swatter, the bastard has disappeared. Oh, perhaps I should amend that to say the bitch has disappeared. It's probably a female wasp. Not that I intend to get close enough to it in its whole undamaged condition to conduct any kind of conclusive investigation of that point.
Such are my neuroses. Sigh.
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