Ah, the life of a slacker.....

Or "Forced to Blog Because No One Else I Know Is". LOL In all fairness, I suppose it *is* my turn. After all, if everyone just sat around reading blogs, there'd be no one WRITING them and, therefore, nothing to read.
The past two days have almost, almost, got me thinking I can be a genuinely productive person. Me and my co-workers at the front end kicked ass yesterday on projects. We accomplished most of the things on our bosses' "List O'Projects for the Week". There are just a few of our new endcaps to set now, and those will probably be done by the time I get to work tomorrow.
Today has been my day off. It started, in typical fashion, last night with me chatting on the phone and playing on the computer until I decided to rustle up something for dinner. Which proved to be a sandwich and some macaroni salad. Then I watched TV and read until falling asleep sometime during "Emeril Live". Awoke in time to see the late night "Good Eats". Since I was looking at a day off, I read some more and played on the computer some more. Fell asleep around 2 a.m. Proceeded to sleep until around 9, at which time I rolled out of bed to make coffee, shower and dress for a day of housework/goofing around. Actually, I should put "goofing around/housework," since I sat around reading and writing e-mail, drinking coffee, paying my ATT bill on-line and playing "Text Twist" and "Cubis 2" until about 11:30, at which time I segued into reading, eating potato chips and watching "Boy Meets Grill". Notice how it is now noon and I have not done a lick of anything remotely hausfrau-like.
Finally, I started slowly by unloading the dishwasher and putting the dirty ones in. Ran a sink of water to wash the stuff that won't go into the 20 year old apartment dishwasher. Actually washed some of the stuff. Looked up the recipe I am using for potato salad on Recipezaar. Put some eggs into a pan on the stove to hard boil. Chopped up celery, fresh parsley, dill pickle and a red onion. Mixed potato salad dressing. Put the potatoes on the boil and put about 6 slices of bacon on a rack over a cookie sheet in the oven to cook crisp. Diced up the warm potatoes (actually, I have asbestos fingers and some of them were on the hot side while I diced them) and hard-cooked eggs, mixed them with the chopped stuff, crumbled bacon and potato salad dressing. At this point, I cleaned up stuff and commenced making a casserole, since the oven was on from the bacon. Cooked spaghetti that was broken in half and some frozen peas. Mixed it with diced cooked ham, a can of reduced fat cream of celery soup, Parmesan cheese, french-fried onions, some finely shredded mozzarella, a beaten egg and a splash of skim milk to get the consistency right. Put it in a 9x9 pan sprayed with cooking spray and topped it with more french-fried onions, Parmesan cheese and shredded pizza cheese. Baked it for 45 minutes, which was enough time to sweep and mop the bathroom floor and run the vacuum. When the casserole came out of the oven, I mixed up a chocolate brownie mix. I jazzed it up by adding a tablespoon of instant coffee granules and some chopped dried cherries.
Now I am waiting for the floor to dry. If I get laundry sorted, my day will be complete and I'll just have to dye my hair this evening. I can get right back to goofing off like usual!
Gawd, Violet!!! WE MISS YOU!!!
(Mel. We miss you two but we "talk to ya" more than we do Violet.)
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