Rich in Family

I'm single and, while I never rule out anything, I am likely to stay so. That's my choice. I've no children of my own, either, which is also my choice. Believe me, at nearly 48, that is definitely a ship that has sailed.
I'll probably never be rich, but then all I really want these days is enough. Simple abundance, you know? I want enough to take care of the bills without too much worry and I really and truly don't need much more. Not more money, not more stuff. I am, however, rich where it counts in my book, and that is with my family and friends. I count my blessings there just about every day.
I hear stories about the strife that other people have in their families, and consider myself lucky that we all get along pretty darn well. I like my dad and my brother. I enjoy spending time with my nephews, who came from my brother's first marriage, and my nieces and oldest nephew, who came with my brother's second marriage. I consider myself fortunate in my sisters-in-law because I like them both. I stopped yesterday to see my brother's first wife at her hair shop for a visit and to find out what time my nephew, Max's school musical started. Deb had a client, and when she introduced me, she said "This is my sister-in-law. Um, hmm....Well, you'll always be my sister-in-law!" I told her I felt the same, and I do. We had a chance to talk a little when we were visiting about what good boys she and my brother had. I had a chance to tell her that I thought they'd managed to put their kids first when they divorced. She said she couldn't have picked a better stepmother for the boys than my brother's current wife, and I told her I thought my brother felt the same about her current husband. The bottom line is that we are always going to be family because there is a connection that you just can't sever and nobody is inclined to do so. Her folks still have my dad over for dinner and I still go to Debbie's family Christmas Eve get-together. When Max graduates from high school in a couple years, I'd expect that Mark and Tammy and Deb and Mike will all band together to throw a graduation party, just like they did for his older brother, Zak. Anyhow, it was a really nice visit, and it's nice to keep those relationships, especially when you hear all of the strife that a lot of people go through with divorces, step parents and step kids. And FWIW, I enjoy family get-togethers with my sister-in-law Tammy's family, too. Tammy is one of seven kids, and they have huge family get togethers sometimes. Dad and I are just as much a part of Tammy's family, and that's nice, too. Tammy's oldest son, Chadd, is a big gruff lug of a guy, but he always gives me a great big hug and tells me to be careful driving back and forth from Columbus. We even talk baseball a bit, and Chadd is a HUGE sports nut, especially when it comes to the Indians, the Cavs and his beloved Michigan Wolverines (I think he likes them just to tick people off, truth to tell!). Tammy's girls, Nicole and Katie, think of me as an aunt, just like they do Tammy's sisters. It's a fine thing to be loved by the next generation. Never realized it until it happened to me.
I got to see my nephew Max in his high school's production of Rodgers & Hammerstein's "Cinderella". I was REALLY impressed with Max's voice. He's a sophmore and had a small singing part as "Chef". I had no idea he could sing like that; I've only heard him as part of a group, and it's hard to pick out a single voice in those circumstances. He has a lovely clear baritone, I believe, and he never drifted off key or went flat. I was terribly impressed and proud. Actually, most of the kids did a really good job. Most of the girls had really good voices and did a great job. The young man playing the prince did a good job, but had a tendency to sound a little reedy and flat, in the way that high school boys can. Anyhow, the show was really quite enjoyable and we were home by 10, which was still past Dad & Dogzilla's bed time. I was very surprised that Dogzilla was in bed and snoozing by 10:30, and that the dear boy slept until nearly 6 this morning. He must have worn himself out with that Kong toy I put in his cage while we were at the show.
Anyway, family is really nice when you've got a good one.
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