Monday, April 03, 2006

To Borrow a Phrase.....

from my friend Debbie, some total ASSHAT is sitting in the parking lot honking their goddamn horn. I am ready to go out there and tell them to get their lazy friggin' ass OUT of the car and go get whoever it is they are looking for. Of course, it is probably the brats across the hall playing in the car or something. Nice way to update my blog, eh?? LOL

Not much else going on, though. Spent this past weekend with Dad and Dogzilla. Went to swiss steak dinner with Dad on Sat. night, and the neighbors had us over for lunch on Sunday. The weather on Sunday a.m. was nice enough that Dogzilla wanted to venture out into the housing development for the first time in months to deliver a little "pee mail" for the other dogs in the neighborhood. It was a little chilly for those of us that aren't a chubby beagle with a built in fur coat, but I humored the little guy. Then he spent most of the rest of the day lying next to me on the couch so I could rub his belly while he dozed. He is not spoiled at all, as anyone reading this can tell. ;-) I had a book to read and the new National Geographic, so I was okay with the arrangement.

Work today was slow but a co-worker was let go at the end of the day so we ran a small fire drill getting the schedule covered. I hope she'll be okay, but this is the only job she's had in her life so I think it might be hard for her to get a new start. I think it will probably be good for us at work, though. I liked her well enough, but she was rather resistant to change and right now, there is a lot of changing going on so I think some new blood will be good for us in the long run. Okay. Time to go put my feet up and relax. I am off work tomorrow. Since I have no money, it looks like laundry and housework for me!


Blogger deborah said...

argh! that horn honking thing was a constant outide my apartment in Queens. that and car alarms and booming, thumping car stereos. thankfully these things are few and far between around here. yet another thing I do not miss about NYC.

ASSHAT is right.

10:15 AM  

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