Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wednesday Is Tornado Night at Target.

Well, actually and thank God, it's just Tornado Warning Night. Yes, another tornado warning. At exactly the same time as last week's tornado warning! Sales sucked canal water, but it did make for an easy night with my whopping 10 closing cashiers. We mostly stood around staring at each other, shooting the breeze, straightening the soup cans and cereal boxes on the endcaps and eating Halloween candy. They are gonna be soooo shocked when the holidays actually kick in. They are gonna make me stop working on Weds. nights if we keep having tornado warnings.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Wide Awake

Spent the weekend up at Dad's. This is always a great time to catch up on my sleep. I usually turn in nice and early on Saturday night, knowing that a certain chubby old beagle will begin checking on breakfast time around 3 a.m. Sure enough, said furball came in at 3. Trip outside, a treat and hoisted him back into bed with "Daddy". Four a.m., I consent to feed him breakfast. 1/4 cup of kibble and two, count 'em TWO, pieces of dollar store version of "Beggin Strips". Hoisted him back into bed. Five a.m., another trip outside with hound. Another beagle dead lift. Requested just one more hour before we went cruising the shopping plaza for abandoned McDonald's bags, stray partial donuts and other beagle delights. I finally consented to get up and get dressed at 6, much to his furry delight. This meant that I needed an afternoon nap on the couch after dinner.

Now, of course, it is 2:30 a.m. and, having turned in early again this evening, I was WIDE AWAKE at 1:00 a.m. Not a bit tired yet either. Sigh......