Sunday, March 09, 2008

That's Not a Snowbank, That's My Car!!!

This is what my car looked like when I went out around 11:30 this morning to scrape it off. Seriously. And there was a really nice bumper height drift behind it that I had to mash down so I could move the car once I got it all brushed off. It is a very good thing that the local prognasticating groundhog, Buckeye Chuck, is in a burrow somewhere deep under the snow. This is hardly my idea of an early spring, and I am ready to skin the wee beastie!

In Like a Lion

This was my weekend off and I was supposed to go visit Dad and Dogzilla. I was looking forward to seeing them both, but the weather had other ideas. It started snowing around 9:30 a.m. on Friday and didn't stop until sometime on Saturday evening. After talking to Dad on Friday afternoon and with weather predictions that said Saturday would be just as bad, if not worse, we decided I should just stay put here in Columbus. The National Weather Service reported total snowfall of 20.4 inches as of yesterday evening from the airport just south of my house. The lengths that Mother Nature will go to to FORCE me to stay home and clean house, I tell ya! Nothing quite like the approach of springtime in central Ohio!